City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
June 8th, 2015 7:30 pm
Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Roll was called Devlin, Anderson, Bowman, Clark and Cox answered present, Behrends was absent. The minutes of the May meeting were presented. Clark moved and Cox seconded that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. The treasurer gave his monthly report with regular packet to the counsel; 1st month of the fiscal year. Mr. Velten will get with New members to go over the budget. The video game revenue for the month was $2,467.58 and sales tax figures this month were $8,774.67. No transfer of funds this month.The monthly bills were presented. Cox moved and Anderson seconded that they be paid as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Guests: Joannie Bell was present to invite the counsel to attend the Family fun day June 2oth, 2015. She also wanted to ask for volunteers for the dunk tank. Mike Beck was also present for a follow up regarding the road by Sunrise Ag on Gridley Rd. Some discussion and ideas were introduced.
Public Works (McClure): The department has been cleaning up from the annual Bar B Que and mowing. They also had problem at the water plant and they will be taking bids for road work.
Police Chief (Boris):The department answered 171 calls for service, 4 traffic citations, 12 traffic warnings 1 ordinance violation, The Chief also asked permission for the counsel to send part time officer to academy. A motion was made by Devlin and seconded by Clark to approve sending the officer through training.
Fire Chief (Reynolds): no report
Board Reports
Zoning (Merriman):no report
Park: (Cox): Met the 20th of May, the pool is up and going and new life guard chair and diving board. The playground for the school located on the park property should be done in 3 weeks. The walking path has been replaced and Family Fun Day will take place the 20th of June.
Library: (Clark): no report
Economic Development (Anderson):Mr. Anderson was appointed to attend these meetings. No meeting this past month
Cemetery: (Behrends):no report
Attorney’s Report:Has a copy of a mobile home ordinance to look over and see what counsel likes and dislikes to help come up with new ordinance allowing certain types of mobile homes into the community.
Aldermanic Reports
Cox:Mr. Cox said cemetery looked good on Memorial Day. He received a complaint about pot holes. South Street is looking good and he wanted to let Chief Boris know that the new uniforms were very nice.
Behrends:No report
Clark:Mr. Clark received a letter from resident at 220 N Cass asking that the slow child sign be removed that it is no longer needed.
Bowman: No report
Anderson:No report
Devlin:No report
Clerk’s Report:Reminder to take Open Meeting Act test online if they haven’t already done and get certificate to Jeannette at the City Hall.
Mayor’s Comments:Mayor Sudbrink wanted to let the counsel know that the current electric carrier, Signet Energy solutions. Anyone who has not signed up can still sign up and take Signet rate instead of Ameren which seem to be a bit cheaper.
Unfinished Business: The second reading of MABUS was on the agenda. A motion was made by Clark and seconded by Bowman to join MABUS.
New Business: First on the agenda the manufactured home ordinance was moved to next month. Next on the agenda was the ordinance regarding animal waste. Motion was made by Clark and seconded by Cox, motion carried unanimously. A certified plat ordinance making the lots along 125 (Krohe) one lot was next up on the agenda. A motion was made by Clark and seconded by Cox, motion carried unanimously. Last on the agenda was prevailing wage ordinance, this is done each year. A motion was made by Cox and seconded by Devlin, motion carried unanimously.
With nothing further to discuss a motion was made by Devlin seconded by Clark to adjourn into executive session at 8:08pm. Motion carried unanimously.
Roll was called back into open session at 8:28 pm, Devlin, Anderson, Bowman, Clark and Cox answered present, Behrends was absent. With notion further to discuss a motion was made by Clark and seconded by Cox to adjourn, motion carried unanimously.
Steve Sudbrink, Mayor
Anne Plunkett, City Clerk