City of Virginia
Regular Meeting Minutes
March 9th , 2020
Mayor Brunk called the meeting to order at 7pm. Roll was called, French, Pratt, Bowman, Wulf, Behrends, and Cox all answered present. Council reviewed the agenda. Alderman Behrends had a question about the agenda, he asked in regards to New Business it states the first reading of the FY 20/21 City Budget but to Alderman Behrends understanding there were no committees that got together in order to the budget. He also stated that in the ordinance book in Section B committee on Finance is where the Finance Committee compiles the information and to bring to the council. Mayor Brunk responded that that is correct, there wasn’t a meeting and we couldn’t wait any longer so Treasurer Barrett prepared it for the council to review. Alderman Behrends said that he started mentioning the budget since August. Alderman French got a hold of Treasurer Barrett and he and Randy McClure did talk about it and that he trusts Treasurer Barretts figures. Alderman Behrends said that he also talked to Treasurer Barrett and if no one could get together he would just base it off of last years budget. Alderman French asks if we should leave it on the agenda? Mayor Brunk stated that we have two months to review and there can always be objections. Alderman French made a motion to approve the agenda and Alderman Wulf seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The council reviewed the minutes from February, Alderman Pratt made a motion to approve the minutes and Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly bills were reviewed and Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the monthly bills and Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Barrett was absent
Owen Bell, Terry Bell, Steve Clark, Mike Finn, Carolyn Defenbaugh
Public Comment
Steve Clark
Mr. Clark thanked the council for the TIF money. He stated that they should be able to finish the deli around the first of April. Mr. Clark also stated that he spoke to Bowman and Wulf about parking in front of the store. He stated that there are days that no one ca park in front of the store because people are parking there and walking over to the courthouse. He asked if he could put like a limited parking sign there such as a 30 minute parking. Alderman Wulf asked who would police it? Mr. Clark said that he would be a “meter maid” if needed. He stated that it is hurting their business with people being parked all day in the front parking spots. Alderman French asked if this can be addressed now or do we have to put it on the agenda? Attorney Veith stated that it can be discussed now but there in no action that can be taken on it. Mr. Clark said it is a city street. Chief Kennedy stated that he could put a sign up but he could not enforce it. Alderman French said that if we created an ordinance it would take two months to pass. Mr. Clark would prefer the council to do what they need to do, it would have more enforcement if it was an ordinance but he hates to see it wait two months. Alderman Wulf asked if there would have to be an ordinance created because it is a public right of way? Attorney Veith replied that the proper way to do it would be with an ordinance. He also stated that Mr. Clark could put a sign up asking not to park there but it is not enforceable without an ordinance. Alderman Bowman stated that the council needs to look into this to help a local business. Alderman French stated that he supports it. Alderman would said that we would want to word that specific to the business because you cant do that to the whole square. Alderman Cox asked if we can get this on the agenda for next month and Attorney Veith replied with a yes.
Owen Bell
Mr. Bell addressed the council and asked if he could have permission to use City Hall as a drop off for his Eagle Scout Project. Mr. Bell will be collecting old flags that people are wanting to get rid of and will maintain and take care of the flags. Mayor Brunk and the council approve and think it s a great idea.
Carolyn Defenbaugh
Ms. Defenbaugh would like to express her appreciation to the council for voting down the cannabis. Mayor Brunk stated that the council delayed it because Alderman French wanted some time to research. Alderman French stated that we as a group need to do some research on what we are looking for. Mayor Brunk said that it has been two months and that we will have the ordinance ready next month. Mayor Brunk asked for direction from the council but after reading the minutes of last month, most seem to be opposed. Alderman Cox thinks that it should not be sold in town. Alderman Beherends doesn’t think it should be sold in town but it is a tax revenue but he said he will probably say no. Alderman Bowman said that he already said he doesn’t like the idea of selling it. Alderman Pratt is not for selling it here. Alderman French is not for having a dispensary in town either but there is no deadline to say yes or no. The deadline is the tax increment so we need to either opt to get the tax done for the state or not, correct? Attorney Veith said if you don’t pass by April 1st, you wont get it for this year, it will push it off until next year. Alderman French said so we can not opt for the tax and put it off until next year? Attorney Veith replied that you don’t have to decide but the issue is that if you don’t take action and someone wants to set up a dispensary then you are looking at zoning issues that you have to consider and need to have zoning in place at that point. Alderman French said from his understanding we are not getting a dispensary and we not be getting one this year or they would have already had to have that in an application to declare a location. There were only three applications in this corner of the state, so we just need to pass an ordinance stating that we will not allow any cannabis sales in the city of Virginia? Attorney Veith stated you can opt out and you can say that we will allow dispensaries in places where you can have cannabis under these regulations as long as they don’t conflict with the state-like zoning or you can do nothing but if you do nothing. Alderman French asked so where do we go from here? Attorney Veith replied that it depends on what you want to do, he is hearing most of the council say they don’t want it? Alderman French asked so do we opt out? Attorney Veith replied that the council needs to pass an ordinance. Alderman Cox stated that that’s what we need to do then. Mayor Brunk asked if we can do that next meeting and Attorney Veith replied, yes.
Monthly Reports
Public Works (McClure)McClure stated that the crew is rocking the roads getting ready for oil chipping, patching holes. There is a lot of patch left over from last year and trying to spread that out. Crew is also working on meters and mowers for summer. McClure also stated that he talked to Andy, the guy that is tearing the building down, he has to have asbestos people go in and check it out and he cant get in there until they go in there. As soon as they get in there, he will be back in there to tear it down.
Police Chief (Kennedy) 135 calls, 100 service, 2 arrest, 1 minor accident, assisted county 7 times, 32 business checks, 43 traffic stops. Chief stated that the department has been policing Route 125 a lot more, there have been several written warnings and a lot of ticket4s. He also stated that it has always been a problem but with the new Dollar General it has become more apparent now. Chief also said that they did a traffic stop on Rt. 125 and confiscated 30g of marijuana out of the vehicle.
Fire Chief (Reynolds) 1 field fire, 1 structure fire, 1 grass fire that almost was a structure fire
Zoning Officer (Merriman) nothing to report
Board Reports
Park Board March 18th next meeting at City Hall 7pm
Library Board looking for PT Librarian/Director
Economic Development nothing to report
Cemetery Board getting ready to appoint someone to cemtary board
Zoning Board nothing to report
Attorneys Report
Attorney Veith states that on the two property maintenance violations both owners were present and both pled guilty. One of them is seeking a demo contractor and the other is wanting to sell the property with a court order that who ever takes it over has to get the property in compliance. The next court date is April 21st. Attorney Veith stated that as a part of the unfinished business, the second reading of the ordinance for TIF funding for the Virginia Market is on the agenda, it passed unanimously on the first reading. Attorney Veith also apologizes to the council on the part we had annexed in, he emailed Jeanette and there are two ordinances on this, one of them you passed in February then we went to court on March 2nd and that was approved. There was another ordinance that needs to be passed tonight, the wrong ordinances was in the packet, but you have the correct ordinance in front of you tonight. He said that everything is the same but this one reflects the #1, which was passed by Judge Wessel. #2 will be annexed in as an R1 and then you will take action on it without referendum. If you pass tonight, there will be a special meeting after the regular meeting and then 30 days after tonight, it will become effective and then the subdivision will be annexed in.
Aldermanic Reports
Cox Would like to thank Jeannette and Ashley, they do a lot and we appreciate it
Behrends Bill Merriman was doing some clean up on the house on Job St, had a little incident down there with the fire. It is looking better. Someone bought the house on Springfield St, they are re-doing it and its looking good. Had a question from someone and referred him to talk with the zoning board because his property that the neighbor is built both on his property and the neighbors property. I wasn’t sure the direct answer. There was also a concern brought to my attention, over the part time officer, he was told by the Mayor that he was not going to have any hours unless there was an absolute need. I am not sure why that would be said if we have it in the budget. Mayor states that he was informed that we had a budget for PT, most of his hours would be vacation/illness/people being gone for meetings. The Mayor said he said there was a few hours we can work with but not to expect 25 hours a week. Mayor said that was the third time he had applied and been denied twice and there is other things to besides that being the issues. Chief Kennedy confirms there was other issues. Behrends states the police committee should have known something about that. Alderman Wulf states when we interviewed him and that was brought out, we told him that there would be limited hours so he was well aware during the interview process.
Wulf told McClure in front of the catholic church there is a hole and asked if we can get that filed as soon as it dries up a bit. A thought would be that the guys put some blacktop in there. Wulf states he just looked yesterday, McClure will look. Wulf asked if new bricks fell from the building on the south side, McClure states not that he knows of. McClure states the owners son has called him, stated his dad has fallen in the hospital and going through rehab. McClure said the son was going to be here in Feb and put up plywood and when the weather got nicer they were going to try and fix that other building. But there is no plywood there as of yet. Wulf said good job for the police dept for stopping that much drugs from coming through our town.
Bowman told McClure thanks for putting gravel out on Packing House Rd, there is a lot more traffic now with Dollar General out there
Pratt asks about doing something with Morgan St, getting rid of the bricks. McClure states they brought up Cass and Morgan before, people on Cass said they would take care of the brick road back then but on Morgan there was residents that didn’t want anything done on that either. Pratt said they need to ride on a school bus on it. McClure its been a long time ago since it has been brought up, maybe people have changed their mind. Pratt states he wont take a bus down it because it throws the kids around so bad in the back. McClure said he would like to see it paved, Pratt said he would too because it is a busy street in the morning and in the afternoon. Mayor states he would like to know what people think now as it has been about 20 years later
French inquired about the restrictions/signage for the square. Wulf said we were going to put up pedestrian lighting on the square. Wulf said one person stopped today in the 3 years that he has worked at the courthouse. French said people just don’t stop. Wulf 3 signs will be about $4000-$4500 with the LED lights/batteries, we will need to ask TIF. Mayor states he looked into it last year, the ones that go on the pole and you can put it on the sign at that time 2 of them were $5500. Bowman mentioned especially with Trunk or Treat and Christmas on the Square. French asks McClure if the tree trimming is done, everything looks good
City Clerks Report
Nothing to report
Mayors Report
Mayor Brunk stated that he will comment later
Unfinished Business
- Ordinance Approving TIF Committee Recommendation for Use of TIF Funds for the Virginia Market (2nd reading)
With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the TIF committee recommendation for the use of TIF funds for the Virginia Market, Alderman French seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
New Business
- FY 20/21 City Budget (1st reading)
Mayor states council will have 30 days to go through it and if you have question we can address then. With nothing further to discuss Alderman French made a motion to approve the 1st reading of the FY 20/21 City Budget, Alderman Pratt seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
- Cemetery Budget/Agreement
Mayor recommends that be reviewed. French asks if there were updates or is it the same? Mayor as far as he knows it is the same. With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the Cemetary Budget/Agreement, Alderman French seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
- Park Budget/Agreement
Mayor NO changes to that either, Cox states looks the same to me. With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the Park Budget/Agreement, Alderman French seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
- Library Budget
Mayor states that it should be the same as last year. With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Pratt made a motion to approve the Library Budget, Alderman Cox seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
- An Ordinance authorizing a Petition for Annexation of Certain Territory Consisting of Cass County Homes LP to the City of Virginia (1st reading)
With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Behrends made a motion to approve the first reading of the ordinance authorizing a petition for annexation of certain territory consisting of Cass County Homes LP to the City of Virginia, Alderman Wulf seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
- Zoning Board Appointment
The Mayor would like to appoint Christa Standbridge to the zoning board. Alderman French made a motion to approve Christa Standbridge to the Zoning Board, Alderman Cox seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
- Seeking Council Approval of Ambulance Update
Mayor states some of the council are aware of this but he attended a meeting in Beardstown with the Beardstown Health Care foundation committee, they have assisted the ambulance service. They have helped the Cass County H.D., it is foundation they are not in it to make money. The purpose of the meeting was to talk about future replacement ambulance. Beardstown Mayor was there, I was there, Judge Hardwick was there, and some board members were there. Mr. Becker and his next in command was there also. We were talking about the ambulance service that Virginia, Ashland, and Chandlerville was getting and that we have not heard any negative comments about the service. The Mayor Ashland agrees. We have had issues where two calls have come in in close proximity, then Mr Becker said that he wanted to bring a second ambulance for Virginia, Ashland and Chandlerville. It is equipped and ready to go but needs a new transmission. He asked if we would share the cost in getting the ambulance fixed. Mayor Brunk thinks it was a good idea, and the Mayor of Ashland agreed as well. Mayor states it will be about 1200 dollars per community to get them up and running. Alderman Wulf states that there were several instances where they are called to Ashland and then a few minutes later and get a call for Virginia and they have to wait for service from Beardstown. Alderman Cox asks if they have people ready to go, Alderman Wulf states yes they do. Mr. Clark states that MECCA always had two ambulances in case one was out. Mayor said he thought it sounded like the right thing to do. Chief Kennedy says 15 minutes on scene to wait is a long time, it happens a lot that station 2 is out in Chanderlville and we are waiting on Beardstown. Fire Chief Reynolds asks if they have people to man the second ambulance? Alderman Wulf said that they have people on standby if needed. Mayor thinks it s a good thing for the community and asks the approval of the council of spending the $1200, he talked to Treasurer and said the money is there but need council approval. French asked if it was split? Mayor states it will be split. Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the $1200 contribution towards the new ambulance, Alderman Behrends seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Clark wants to thank the council for the TIF grant. He also asked Alderman Wulf if he had looked at the signs that sit on the sidewalk? Alderman Wulf said it is a state highway and we cant do those. Mr. Clark said he has seen other state highways where they have had it. Alderman Wulf will explore that option before we make a decision. Alderman Cox thanked Mr. Clark for the purchasing of the Virginia Market.
With nothing further to discuss at 7:56pm Alderman Cox made a motion to adjourn the regular council meeting and Alderman Pratt seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
___________________________ ____________________________
Reg Brunk, Mayor Ashley Cox, City Clerk
City of Virginia
Special Meeting
March 9th, 2020
Mayor Brunk called the meeting to order at 7:59pm. Roll was called. Alderman French, Pratt, Bowman, Wulf, Behrends, and Cox all answered present.
- An Ordinance Authorizing a Petition for Annexation of Certain Territory Consisting of Cass County Homes LP to the City of Virginia (2nd reading)
With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the second reading of the ordinance authorizing a petition for annexation of certain territory consisting of Cass County Homes LP to the City of Virginia, Alderman Behrends seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Cox made a motion at 8pm to adjourn the special meeting and Alderman Behrends seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
_____________________________ ______________________________
Reg Brunk, Mayor Ashley Cox, City Clerk