City of Virginia

Regular Meeting Minutes

May 10th , 2021

Mayor Brunk called the meeting to order at 701pm.  Roll was called.  Alderman French, Pratt, Bowman, Wulf, Behrends and Cox all answered present.  The council reviewed the agenda for tonight’s meeting.  Alderman Pratt made a motion to approve the agenda, and Alderman Bowman seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.  The minutes were reviewed from the previous meeting.  Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the previous minutes, and Alderman Bowman seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.  The council reviewed the monthly bills.  Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the monthly bills, and Alderman French seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Barrett stated that for the fiscal year end we are up over $205,000 over last year.  Sales tax for the month was $12396.02, which is down about $7000 from last year.  Video gaming for the month was $4827.25, which is down about $12000 from last year primarily because of having four months of no income due to COVID.  Treasurer Barrett also stated that though income is a little down from last year it is above the budgeted amount.  He reviewed the line items with the council, personnel expenses were a little higher than last year, contractual services were under budget, commodities were above the budgeted amount, supply costs were a little higher than normal, and expenses were below budgeted amount.  Income was above and expenses were below this past fiscal year.


Terry Ayres, Tacy McClure, Jackson Huff, Gena Huff, Atwood Huff, Kristina Paul, Amanda Lear, Steve Handy, Judy Mueller, Karen Shoemaker, Christina Bingham, David Rochester, Bob Welch,  Rena Kay Welch, Sarah Edwards


Mr. Ayres gives the council two more pictures of issue addressed last month.  He stated that was a rat in one of the pictures on the property.  The lids of the trash cans were open all weekend and he smelled it all weekend.  Mayor Brunk stated that he was there when day when it was going.  Ayres stated that he knows some alderman went to talk with her and he heard the word compromise.  At this point Mr. Ayres is not willing to compromise.  Alderman Wulf plans to address the issue.  Alderman Cox states that he talked with the owner of the Depot, and she agreed to move the trash 20 ft to the west which he thought is what Mr. Ayres wanted.  She also stated that they would build a new incinerator.  She also told Alderman Cox that sometimes the kids put the plastic in the bin and she would remind them not to do that. Alderman Wulf stated that he talked with her about the grease.  It is an edible grease container that gets picked up twice a week.  Alderman Cox said maybe we need to address the burning.  Mayor Brunk stated that there were five empty gallons of grease in the trash the day that he was there.  Ayres suggested getting her to lock the lids down.  Alderman Wulf states they had the trash company come and work on the top of the dumpster.  Ayres wants to know how many times someone can commit an ordinance violation before they get a fine.  She has been warned many times and it still happens.  Mayor Brunk said the incinerator has holes in it and that’s why it seeps out.  Ayres states that he shouldn’t have to breathe any of that and that compromise isn’t going to work.  Mayor Brunk agrees.

Attorneys Report

Attorney Veith is going to hold his comments until Executive Session which is located on the agenda in New Business.


Monthly Reports

Public Works (McClure):  crew patching the roads, two trees went down at the cemetery been having to clean that stuff up, big ones are dying out

Police Chief (Fanning):  67 service calls, 17 traffic stops, no wrecks this month.  Chief Fanning states that there are a lot of loose animals around town and he has had to write ordinance violations for some.  He would also like to remind everyone to lock their vehicles and houses.  There are people getting in unlocked cars at night.  Alderman Cox asks about the status of the case at the Fair residence.  Chief Fanning states that they are still looking for camera footage.  It has been processed by ISP crime lab.  Alderman Cox asks what time it happened.  Chief Fanning states that is still under review.  Mayor Brunk asks Chief Fanning if the officer in training has quit? Chief Fanning confirmed and stated that he was not going to benefit the city and didn’t want to waste more time and resources.

Fire Chief (Reynolds):  2 calls, mutual aid for a structure fire in Chandlerville, Saturday structure fire on Main St. Chief Reynolds stated there was a fundraiser for fire department which enable them to purchase the brush truck and it is ready to go.

Zoning Board(Merriman):   Zoning Officer Merriman not present.  Mayor Brunk states I agrees with the neighbors and the zoning issue was handled poorly/incorrectly. Harris states compromise isn’t a good word on that one either.

Library Board:  nothing to report

Economic Development:  nothing to report

Cemetery Board:  nothing to report

Park Board:  Alderman Cox reported that the storm did some damage(blown down pavilion), insurance has been contacted, and the city crew cleaned it all up.  Lifeguards/concession has been hired, concrete will be poured this week had to put 10 new drains in there that’s why it slowed it down, and the fence will go up after that.  The pool is set to open May 31st.  Youth league and coaches helped Gibby clean the leaves and stuff up at the park. There will be 21 games this month and have a lot in June and July.  May 19th 7pm is the next park board meeting.  Mayor Brunk asks what the hours are for the pool, Barrett states hes not sure, Cox said far as he knows there are no restrictions.  Fully staffed and ready to go.

Aldermanic Reports

French:  Alderman French stated there are several concerns on water issues, alot of houses on south end starting to get tea colored water.  Alderman French asks how can we address this again? Alderman French also asks if we should start buying stuff as things are going up in cost.  McClure states that we usually just buy as we need to and we really don’t have anywhere to store it.

Pratt:  nothing to report

Bowman:  nothing to report

Wulf: Alderman Wulf has also gotten complaints on yellow water, and asked if we can we work toward flushing hydrants if that would help? He is also glad that BBQ committee was able to get everything pulled off and that we are goingt to have one this year.

Cox:  Alderman Cox thanked city crew for working on the poles.  Subway will be opening up around the first of June.  New owner said 30 days was his guess.  The guy that is going to take it over he has 18 other stores and he is from Carlinville.  Caraway Pub is coming in and things are looking up.  Would like to see a copy during the day here, slow the traffic down on 78 maybe 3 days a week.  Kids out and about in the summer coming up, bad stuff going on.  Encourage everyone to buy local, there are so many small businesses closing.

Behrends: Alderman Behrends said he noticed the square got repainted, looks good.  He thanked everyone for the opportunity for being on alderman for the past 8 years.


City Clerks Report

Clerk Cox read the resignation of Public Works Director Randy McClure

Mayors Report

Mayor Brunk thanked the people of Virginia for supporting me through all these years.  He stated positive things have happened and now he will be able to sleep better at night.  He also wanted to congratulate Mr. Knous and hope you guys do well.  He told the council that they should be proud of themselves, there has been a lot of positive things done.

Unfinished Business

  1. FY 21/22 Appropriation Ordinance (2nd Reading)

With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the FY 21/22 Appropriation Ordinance, and Alderman Behrends seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.

At 730pm, Alderman Cox made a motion to adjourn sine die, and Alderman Behrends seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.

Mayor McClure was sworn in as the Mayor of the City of Virginia.

At 735pm, roll was called. Alderman French, Pratt, Bowman, Wulf, and Cox all answered present.

Alderman Wulf, Alderman Knous, Alderman Cox, Treasurer Barrett, and Clerk Cox were all sworn into office.

Mayor McClure would like to take the time to thank all his family and friends and everyone who voted for him.   He appreciates everyone that is here tonight.  Mayor McClure addressed the alderman and said that he wants to think of this council like a ball team.  There are 6 alderman, 1 Mayor, 1 Clerk, 1 Treasurer and we need to all work together.  He stated there is no “I” in team.  He wants to work together with you guys to get something done and see improvements in this town.  Alderman agreed and all stated they are looking forward to it.


New Business

  1. Swear in of Appointed Offices (City Attorney, Police Chief)

Attorney Veith and Chief Fanning were both sworn into their positions by Mayor McClure


  1. Executive Session Personnel (Discuss employee performance, compensation, and pending litigation)

At 745pm, Alderman Wulf made a motion to go into Executive Session, and Alderman Knous seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.

At 807pm, the council returned back to public session.

At 808pm, with nothing further to discuss, Alderman French made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Alderman Bowman seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.





___________________________                                                        ____________________________

Randy McClure , Mayor                                                                                Ashley Cox, City Clerk