City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
June 9th, 2014
7:30 pm
Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Roll was called Petefish, Bell, Carson, Clark, Behrends and Cox all answered present. The minutes of the previous meeting were presented. Clark moved and Bell seconded that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Velten gave the treasurers report with normal packet for full 12 months. Expenses came in about what was projected at 92%. City water sales are down but Regional water sales are above what was projected. Bev Saylor is working on revamping QuickBooks per auditor’s request. Mr. Velten also presented a transfer of funds: Municipal Retail Tax to Police Fund $9,500.00; Municipal Retail Tax to General Fund $13,000.00; Fire Protection Fund to Water Fund $153.19. Cox moved and Petefish seconded that the transfer be approved. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly bills were presented. Bell moved and Behrends seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Guests: Janet Bell was present to voice concerns about the Cemetery. She stated that it looked bad for Mother’s Day. Randy said they were going to hire some part time help and that it would look better for Memorial Day. Carolyn Defenbaugh inquired about when streets would be patched. Steve Clark announced the Student of the Month for April to the counsel. High School: William Booker, Junior High: Chloe Reynolds, Elementary: Xander Brown all for citizenship.
Public Works (McClure): Mowed at the park; Had problem at water plant; Rain hindered the street patching; Scoreboard put up at the park; City wide clean up this week starting on Sylvan and running East to West and then North to South, going to try to do both junk and brush at the same time.
Police Chief (Osmer): Office handled 5 civil disturbance calls; 5 traffic arrests; 3 criminal arrests; 2 accidents and had 2.5 hours of court duty.
Fire Chief (Reynolds): Fire department handled mutual aid call to house in Chandlerville area. They participated in Ag Day at the fairgrounds ASCS office for school kids K-8. Conservation, State Police and Fire Department were present
Board Reports
Zoning (Finn): 1 permit for storage shed; sent out 16 letters for clean up and reminder to maintain yard and area between yard and pavement. A reminder about city wide cleanup included.
Park: (Cox): April 16th meeting they have all new nets for kids little league and summer league; old scoreboard down and new one up. Little League bought pitch counter for little diamond at the park approximately $4,000. Pool is being painted; Electric done in pool house; Waiting till after pool season to do concrete work, safety inspection completed. Bought new grill for park; Bill Murphy and Bridget Krause to head Summer Daze as co-directors; $5,000 to oil and chip park area will be given by the park.
Library (Clark): Met April 15th Clean up before the BBQ; Librarian attending training at UIS and next meeting will be May 20th.
Economic Development (Carson): Met on April 23rd City plan almost finished with final draft. Next meeting should be ready to roll out here and at the website. TOs will be reopening 20th of May. Need for housing discussed at meeting and seems to have a lack of housing and looking into potential areas to build and discuss with County Housing resources for suitable housing to move people into community.
Cemetery (Carson): Meet May 13th, 2014 Treasurer has resigned. Board looking for replacement and Mayor will make appointment when cemetery advises replacement. Paul has been great to work with and the Mayor thanked him for his years of service. They will appoint acting treasurer so business can continue as normal.
Attorney’s Report: Nothing
Aldermanic Reports:
Cox: Nothing
Behrends: 3 way stop at North end of Job and Myrtle street possible? Traffic flies down in that area. Street Committee will check on other streets that might also need to have stop or yield signs. Tom said north bound traffic was what they really needed maybe not a 3 way. Polled counsel and all were in favor of stop sign for North bound traffic. This will be added to next month’s agenda for first reading. Don Reynolds also mentioned possibility of small signs on square below stop sign so they know it’s a 3 way stop and not all way.
Clark: Nothing
Carson: Dustin Fritche talked to Susan regarding composting, sent 6 grants and most of them don’t qualify. Maybe looking for partnership that someone would be interested in helping.
Bell: Nothing
Petefish: Nothing
Clerk’s Report: Nothing
Mayor’s Comments: Nothing
Unfinished Business: 2nd reading of appropriation ordinance was first on the agenda with no changes since first reading. Cox moved and Clark seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Clark and seconded by Behrends to go into executive session. Motion carried unanimously
Back in open session all present. Budget for 14-15 was tabled until next month
With nothing further to discuss Clark made a motion to dismiss and Behrends seconded. Meeting adjourned with all voting yes.
Steve Sudbrink, Mayor
Anne Plunkett, Clerk