City of Virginia 

Minutes of Regular Meeting 

Monday May 14th, 2018 


Mayor Brunk opened the regular meeting at 7:30pm.  Roll was called French, Anderson, Bowman, Wulf, and Cox were present.  Alderman Behrends was not present.  The minutes of the April meeting were presented.  Alderman Cox made a motion that the meeting minutes be approved and Alderman Wulf seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.  The monthly treasurer’s report was in the council’s monthly packet, the council reviewed.  The video gaming revenue for the month of April was $2231.95.  The sales tax figures for the month of April were $12950.38.  Treasurer Barrett stated that we are approaching the start of the new fiscal year, both sales tax and video gaming revenue are up from last year.  The three year certification of motor fuel tax has been submitted to the state.  TIF funds will be distributed to Andrews at the end of the month.  

Guests:  Ashley Reese, Leigh Morris, Mike Finn, Carolyn Defenbaugh, Brad Liegel, Angie Brown, Vickie Bell, and Steve Clark  

Public Comment: 

Brad Leigel:  Mr. Liegel stated that he recently found out that the previous Mayor signed a contract for the energy rates.  Mr. Leigel stated that the new Direct Energy contract will not start until 2020 to fulfill the current contract that is in force.  The rates for an 18-month contract are .5499 and the rates for a 24-month contract are .5699.  The 24-month contract would save about $3000 a year.  The new contract will run from May 2020 to May 2022 if it was decided to go with a 2-year contract.  Mayor Brunk asked for opinions of the council.  Alderman French made a motion to sign the 2-year contract that would take effect May 2020.  Alderman Wulf seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.   

Vickie Bell:  Mrs. Bell asked the council to appoint committee members to the Beautification Committee.  Mrs. Bell stated that the Beautification Committee has done the flags, flowers, concrete pots, and entry signs into town.  Mayor Brunk appoints Vickie Bell as chairperson and LeighAnn Allen and Carol Beekman as committee members to the Beautification Committee.  Mrs. Bell asked if the treasury that they currently have would still be in place or if it would change.  Mayor stated that they would need to create a bank account and Attorney Veith agreed.  The Beautification Committee can still have their fundraisers as usual, they will just need to provide an annual report to the city going forward.  Treasurer Barrett suggested that they appoint a treasurer to manage the funds, and Treasurer Barrett will also assist in overseeing it.   

Monthly Reports: 

Public Works (McClure):  McClure stated that there was a water main break.  The crew has been busy cleaning up the ditches, driveways, city and cemetary. 

Police Chief (Helmich):  191 calls, 42 were service calls, 10 arrests.  The Crown Victoria police car hit a deer and is currently getting repaired.  Chief stated that he hopes to keep costs for repair minimal.  Chief also would like to discuss with the council on hiring new employees in the near future.   

Fire Chief (Reynolds):  2 calls.  1 was a mutual aid call to Ashland for a house fire.  The other call was a house fire in Virginia.  Mayor Brunk would like to thank all the fireman that were on scene for the house fire in Virginia, he stated that everyone did a great job.   

Board Reports: 

Zoning (Merriman): nothing to report 

Park (Cox):  Little league has opened.  There were 2 high school games played at the park this year.  Machine Pitch and TBall will be starting in June.  The high dive has been removed from the pol and replaced with another low dive.  The inmates came and cleaned up the pool area and the pool will be filled soon.  The pool will open on Memorial Day.  The next meeting is 05/16 at 7pm. 

Library (French):  Steve Clark and Angela Brown have been appointed as members of the library board.  The next meeting is 05/15 

Economic Development (Anderson):  have requested funds for sidewalk/crosswalk but has not heard back yet.   

Cemetery (Behrends): nothing to report 

Attorney’s Report (Veith):  Mr. Veith will be drafting an ordinance in regards to social media and internet usage.  A packet was given to council in regards to the Ordinance Revising R-1, which is the use for banquet halls.  There is no real applicable rezoning classification and the attorney will indicate required minimum square feet and distance between lots.  Mr. Veith also communicated that the property maintenance case on Washington St. has been paid in full. 

Aldermanic Reports: 

Cox: nothing to report 

Behrends: not present 

Wulf: nothing to report 

Bowman: nothing to report 

Anderson: nothing to report 

French: nothing to report 

City Clerk: nothing to report 

Mayor: Mayor Brunk swears in Vickie Bell, Angela Brown, and Steve Clark.  Mayor Brunk also states that people are making efforts in cleaning up properties.  Chief Helmich has been serving notices to properties.  Mayor Brunk also discussed with council the time change of the meetings.  A suggestion was made to move the council meeting times to either 630pm or 7pm instead of 730pm.  Attorney Veith states that the council can decide on a different meeting time if they wish.  Alderman Cox and Alderman Bowman vote for 7pm.  The rest of the council agrees.  Mayor Brunk mentions the need for a computer for the other car as the computer that was in there is no longer in the City’s possession.  Chief Helmich was given the go ahead to get an authorized computer for the car.  Chief Helmich also stated that there is revised communication through AT&T, there is new data and both cars will be fully equipped.   

Attorney Veith and Chief Helmich still need to discuss the cannabis ordinance.  Attorney Veith asked Chief Helmich what would the funds would be used for?  At this time we do not have a specific fund like other cities do.  Attorney Veith asked Chief Helmich if he would just like it to go into the police fund and Chief Helmich said yes.  The council will vote next month, after review of the ordinance.   

Unfinished Business: 

FY 17/18 Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance (2nd reading) 

Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the FY 17/18 Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance.  Alderman Cox seconded.  Motion carries unanimously. 

FY 18/19 Appropriation Ordinance (2nd reading) 

Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the FY 18/19 Appropriation Ordinance.  Alderman Bowman seconded.  Motion carries unanimously. 

New Business: 

Ordinance Revising R1 Residential District to allow Conditional use to Include Banquet Halls (1st reading) 

Alderman Wulf makes a motion to approve the first reading of the ordinance revising R1.  Alderman Cox seconded.  Motion carried unanimously. 

Alderman Wulf makes a motion to appoint Mr. Veith as the City Attorney.  Alderman French seconds. Motion carries unanimously.  Mayor Brunk swears in Attorney Veith. 

Alderman French makes a motion to appoint Mr. McClure as Public Works Director.  Alderman Anderson seconds.  Motion carries unanimously.  Mayor Brunk swears in Mr. McClure. 

Alderman Anderson makes a motion to appoint Chief Helmich as Police Chief.  Alderman Wulf seconds.  Motion carries unanimously.  Mayor Brunk swears in Chief Helmich. 


With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Wulf made a motion at 8:10pm to adjourn the meeting, Alderman Cox seconded.  Motion carried unanimously. 





_______________________                                                            _________________________ 

Reg Brunk, Mayor                                                                                Ashley Cox, City Clerk