City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
November 9th, 2015 7:30 p.m.
Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Roll was called Devlin, Anderson, Bowman, Clark, Behrends and Cox answered present. The minutes of the December meeting were presented. Alderman Cox moved and Alderman Anderson seconded that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly treasurer’s report was in the packet to the council. Most of the entries have been cleaned up and are valid. The general fund is on target and doing well, water and sewer sales are down about 15% from projections. The video game revenue is currently 4 months behind waiting on State budget. The sales tax figures the month of October were $ 7606.81 with a year to date total of $354,916.05. Minutes for a public meeting regarding a grant for a new squad car were presented. A motion was made by Alderman Behrends and seconded by Alderman Clark to approve those minutes. Motion carried unanimously. There was a transfer of funds this month$9,600 from the General fund to the Police fund. Motion was made by Alderman Behrends and seconded by Alderman Bowman to approve these transfers. Motion carried unanimously.Monthly bills were presented. Alderman Cox made a motion and Alderman Behrends seconded that the bills be paid as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Velten also reported that the TIF receipts for the year $51,348.26 and a rebate for agreement with the Virginia School for 1% total $4,818.60.
Guests: Students of the month for Virginia were as follows: Elementary: Amelia Hayes; Jr. High: Elizabeth Wrangler; High School: Danielle Schroeder all recognized for their trustworthiness. Laymon Carter, Amanda Cagwin, Mike Neihaus, and Steve Horton were in attendance to discuss with the board Cass Affordable housing in Virginia. The four million dollar project calls for 2 and 3 bedroom homes to be built at a site yet to be determined. They are currently looking for 7 acres close to water and sewer to build 20 homes. They wanted to make it clear they are a separate entity from the Cass housing authority. They are asking for letter of support from the city regarding this project.
Public Works (McClure): Had 32 work orders and JULIES, finished up the fall clean up with 12 dumpsters, there was a leak on Gatton St., and the old salt shed at sewer plant was torn down and included in the dumpster totals for the cleanup.
Police Chief (Boris): Responded to 218 calls made 4 traffic citations and 1 criminal arrest.
Fire Chief (Reynolds): report
Board Reports
Zoning (Merriman):No report
Park: (Cox): Oct. 21st meeting at City Hall; Old oak tree taken down between ball park and will be replaced with two new trees. Mr. Gebhardt winterized the pool and the Log Cabin days made $1700 in food sales. No meeting in November or December
Library(Clark): Oct. 20th introduced new member, Amy Fritche. The Lego club started the 24th of October and was well attended. The library will be closed for Thanksgiving Thursday Nov. 27th and Friday Nov. 28th. The next meeting is November 17th, 2015.
Economic Development (Anderson): Met on Oct. 28th to discuss possible ribbon cutting for Casey’s. Discussed having businesses in Virginia register as businesses. The Illinois Humanitarian exhibit and possibly having something like that in Virginia but still open for discussion. Petefish Skiles Open house the 18th of November.
Cemetery (Behrends):Meeting in November
Attorney’s Report:No report
Aldermanic Reports
Cox:Cemetery looks nice and also wanted to thank Chief Boris for being a presence at the school, the kids really enjoy it.
Behrends:Questioned the pickup for the city and why televisions were not taken. Randy is going to check on a few options for next year and possibly take for a fee.
Clark:Checking on the time frame for culvert on Sylvan and Front St.
Bowman: No Report
Anderson:Had complaint about livestock in town, if the smell gets out of hand what can the citizen do?
Devlin:No report
Clerk’s Report:Received FOIA request for Jeremy K Judd, checked with Chief Boris who istaking care of this request.
Mayor’s Comments:Casey’s store has requested a tentative liquor license date for February 11th 2016.
Unfinished Business: The excess water usage amendment ordinance was tabled until next month.
New Business:First up under new business was adding a handicap parking space on Beardstown St. for the Petefish Skiles & Co Bank. Motion was made by Clark and seconded by Bowman to create a parking space. Motion carried unanimously. Next work comp bids were discussed and Devlin made a motion and Anderson seconded to go with the lower bid provided by Wessler Bros. Agency in Virginia, motion carried unanimously. With nothing further to discus a motion was made by Clark and seconded by Bowman to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Steve Sudbrink, Mayor
Anne Plunkett, City Clerk