City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
Monday October 10th, 2016
7:30 pm
Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30pm. Roll was called Devlin, Anderson, Bowman, Clark, Behrends, answered present, Cox was absent. First up was a motion by Alderman Clark to approve this meeting agenda and seconded by Alderman Anderson, motion carried unanimously. The minutes of the September meetings were presented. Alderman Anderson made a motion that the September meeting minutes be approved as submitted and Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly treasurer’s report was in the council’s monthly packet, Treasurer Barrett met with auditors and they will be filing a 60 day extension on audit. Budget is on track for the year, there are some concerns with payroll that they are working on clearing up. The video game revenue for the month of September was $2,708.63, the year to date total is $12,073.73 and the sales tax figures the month of September were $10,590.74 with year to date total of $46,221.33. There was 1 transfer of funds this month of $8,000 from the General Fund to the Police Fund. Motion was made by Alderman Anderson and seconded by Alderman Behrends to approve the transfer. Motion carried unanimously. Monthly bills were presented. Alderman Clark made a motion and Alderman Bowman seconded that the bills be paid as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Guests: Carolyn Defenbaugh and Matt Werner were present.
Public Works (McClure): Flyers out for the Fall Clean up beginning on the 17th of October. Street project finished, plans to do the alleys, cemetery and park next year. Lead tests came back lead free, 80% of hydrants have been painted in town and they finished capping off line at intersection.
Police Chief (Boris): 176 calls for service; 1 traffic citations; Chief Boris also said he had a lot of compliments and positive reviews on new police unit. Halloween is Monday October 31st from 4pm to 9pm.
Fire Chief (Reynolds): No report
Board Reports
Zoning (Merriman): No report
Park: Cox: Family fun day will be held in Spring, Pool will be painted in the spring and will cost about $2,875 for baby pool and large pool, there are still plans to renovate the volleyball court. The park received a notice that the Health Department will do health inspection and a few items will need to be updated to bring up to cod before spring opening. Still need batting cage net and replace awning at ball diamonds. the board is doing a review of memorials. Next meeting is October 19th at 7pm.
Library (Clark): Met September 20th, the Halloween party will be October 27th from 5-7 pm at the Library and they will meet on October 18th for their next meeting.
Economic Development (Anderson): Nothing to report at this time.
Cemetery (Behrends): Next meeting is in November.
Attorney’s Report: There will be court at the end of the month for ordinance violations; City
TIF report is due at the end of the month.
Aldermanic Reports
Cox: No report
Behrends: Had call about oil and rock on streets, after explanation and finished product they were happy with results.
Clark: Streets look good, Mecca said Big Thank you for behind their building, and stated that the Chiefs new car looks good.
Bowman: Good work on streets
Anderson: No report
Devlin: Reported on the highway speed limits north of town by Gillcrest, speed limit will go to 40 mph going out. Someone reported blind spot at corner of Front and Hardin near Health department due to ornamental grass, also wondered about the overgrown vacant properties and what the city can do to clean up.
Clerk’s Report: Reported she has petitions for election and they can be picked up after meeting or during the week in her office at 106 S. Main St. they can start circulating the 20th of September bu encouraged to wait until after Nov. 8th general election to avoid confusion. Up for re-election in 2017 are Ward 1 seat currently held by Steve Clark; Ward 2 seat currently held by Chris Behrends, Ward 3 seat currently held by Rick Cox, Mayor, Treasurer, and City Clerk. Petitions re due back before the 19th of December by 5pm.
Mayor’s comments: Mentioned to Mr. Werner in attendance about the report he read from Illinois Municipal League water fountains at schools can be lead issue, since the city water is lead free they could have water fountains tested to see if they are also free of lead.
Unfinished Business: First under unfinished business was Public speaking for open meetings 2nd reading. this would limit the time guests could speak to 3 minutes each. Motion was made by Alderman Clark and seconded by Alderman bowman to approve this ordinance. Bowman, Clark and Behrends voted Yes, Devlin and Anderson voted no. Motion carried 3-2. Next up was ordinance for handicap parking space on Beardstown St. Motion was made by Alderman Clark and seconded by Alderman Behrends, motion carried unanimously.
New Business: None.
With nothing further to discuss at this time a motion was made by Alderman Clark to adjourn at 8:01 pm and seconded by Alderman Bowman. Motion carried unanimously.
Steve Sudbrink, Mayor
Anne Plunkett, City Clerk