City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
October 13th, 2014 7:30 pm
Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Roll was called Bell, Carson, Behrends and Cox answered present, Petefish and Clark were absent. The minutes of the September meeting were presented. Cox moved and Carson seconded that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Velten gave the monthly treasurer’s report with normal packet attached. On budget report there are several discrepancies he is working with Jeannette to get classified properly. Utilities are a bit higher than normal and will look into that. Payroll and operations are messed up a bit but overall will come out fine. Water has not picked up so still behind on water usage. Mr. Velten also gave the transfer of funds: Payroll checking to General Fund $50,000; General Fund to Police Fund $6,700; General fund to Police fund $5,000; Virginia Regional Waters Savings to Virginia Regional Water Operating Account $175,440; Water Fund to Sewer Fund $291.23. Motion was made by Bell and seconded by Cox that the transfer be approved. Motion carried unanimously. Video Gaming sheet shows that last month $774.16 which bring year to date total to $6,793.17. The monthly bills were presented. Mr. Behrends had a question regarding the General Fund home energy bill looked like they billed twice. Janette said it was billed and paid late so it showed up on the bill for this month. Bell moved and Behrends seconded that they be paid as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Guests: No students were present but 3 students were recognized Darius Williams Virginia Elementary student of the month recognized as being a responsible student. Carter Bailey Virginia Junior High student of the month recognized as being a responsible student, Alex Bell Virginia Senior High School student of the month recognized as being a responsible student. Congratulations to all 3 students and Alderman Clark will hand out certificates at the school. Mr. Andrew McCartney was present he had submitted application for employment with the police department and was there to observe and learn. Cass Rural Water District Chairman, Mr. Jeff Cosner, was next up regarding Cass Rural water district and report what is new and the intent they sent to USDA. Mr. Laymon Carter took over to explain the 3rd phase and where they are right now. Mr. Carter started project north of town and has 25 signed members to be new rural water customers. 50 to 75% of funding on this project will come from grants. Set out in search of grant funds and found a search grant that was published in last week’s edition of paper. $30,000 100% grant was found to pay for engineering fees. The scope of project runs from new water facility and go North on West side all the way to Beardstown/ChandlerviIIe Blacktop. Total project based on those 25 new customers. Looking at different projects: $520,000 and already qualify for up to 75% of grant money for this. Second option is 4″ option has 14 prospects $640,000 with 4″ Main down side of road and qualify for up to 75% of this also and it would fund itself with those 14 prospects. There were two other options regarding additional customers and could possibly discussed later. Mr. Carter said they would like to start as early as spring. Monthly meeting tomorrow night and North Morgan has asked to have intergovernmental agreement to hook up to Virginia.
Public Works (McClure): Picked up brush from storm; Patching roads; Doing some ditch and culvert work; Changing out meters; There have been a few problems at the water and sewer plant and there will be no Fall cleanup this year
Police Chief (Osmer): 3 civil disturbance calls and 6 traffic arrests
Fire Chief (Reynolds): Called to a trailer fire on Cass St.
Board Reports
Zoning (Finn): Had 1 permit for a carport and sent out letters on yards and weeds.
Park (Cox): Approved funding for a garage door $1,381.00; Mr. O’Daniel in talks with attorneys and architect regarding school playground.
Library (Clark): No report
Economic Development (Carson): Meet next month
Cemetery (Carson): Next meeting is November 12th
Attorney’s Report: No report
Aldermanic Reports:
Cox: No report
Behrends: No report
Clark: No report
Carson: No report
Bell: Questioned brush and stump pickup and if the city was responsible for pickup. Trash in west end will be sent a letter and either Landlord of tenant who moved out will be responsible.
Petefish: No report
Clerk’s report: Mr. Rob Winchester with the treasurer’s office was in to visit with me regarding the I cash program. He is working with the library to set up an event for Virginia where people can come in and he will help see if they have any unclaimed items with the State Treasurer’s office. So far the event is looking like Mid November. Also received statement of candidacy and petitions from County Clerk’s Office.
Mayor’s Comments: No report
Unfinished Business: Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and the Virginia School district regarding crossing guard; discussed last month city will not provide crossing guard but will provide funds for school to hire crossing guard. Cox made a motion to waive the two reading rule and agreement, seconded by Behrends. Motion carried unanimously. Next a motion was made by Bell and seconded by Carson to approve the ordinance for the intergovernmental agreement between the City and Virginia School District. Motion carried unanimously. Motion to approve the intergovernmental agreement was made by Cox and seconded by Behrends. Motion carried unanimously. Item B: Second reading of zoning variance for 241 E. Jackson St. carport. Motion was made by Bell and seconded by Behrends. Motion carried unanimously.
New Business: None
With nothing further to discuss a motion was made by Behrends and seconded by Cox to adjourn and enter executive session. Motion carried unanimously.
Roll was called back into open session at 8:26 pm. Bell, Carson, Behrends and Cox were present, Petefish and Clark were absent.
With nothing further to discuss motion was made by Bell and seconded by Cox to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Steve Sudbrink, Mayor
Anne Plunkett, City Clerk