City of Virginia
Minutes of Regular Meeting
October 14th , 2013
7:30 pm
Mayor Steve Sudbrink opened the regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Roll was called all members answered present. The minutes of the September meeting were presented. Clark moved and Behrends seconded that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried unanimously. Kevin Velten presented the treasurers report. Mr. Velten also presented a transfer of funds: Municipal Retail Tax to Police $4,200.00, General Fund to Police $6,800.00, Municipal Retail Tax to General Fund $18,500.00, VRWS to Liability $13,333.00 and VRWS Savings to VRWS $286,431.24. cox moved Bell seconded that the transfer be approved. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly bills were presented. Clark moved and Behrends seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Guests: Carolyn Defenbaugh, Mike Carson and Janet Bell were all present. Mike Lowe was present to voice his concerns on the drainage on Front St and Sylvan St and also poor condition of property in his neighborhood. He stated that sidewalk condition in front of his property is broken and raised from tree roots. There is poor drainage at the corner of Front and Sylvan St. where storm sewer is due to it being plugged up with dirt and debris. There were some potholes on Front St. that could be repaired and the road needs to be graded down so that the water doesn’t run off onto sidewalks and into yards of people living on Front St. Mr. McClure responded to plugged drain issue and that gravel residents put on for drives has blocked the flow of water and the ditches need to be cleaned out. Mr. Petefish stated that the infrastructure of the town is getting outdated and that the town needs to start thinking about fixing these issues and updating its infrastructure. Mayor Sudbrink turned this issue over to Road and Street committee to look over. Janet Handy was in regarding concerns about ATV’s in the neighborhood and the amount of time spent on them. She also brought up that the ATV’s are being ridden on City Lot. Chief Osmer stated that ATV’s are illegal on the street but lawn mowers are allowed to be ridden to service properties. Mayor Sudbrink stated it was on the agenda for this meeting to be discussed. If anyone is caught riding on city property or property other than their own they should be ticketed for this as it is illegal. Video of people on public property riding ATV’s would be enough evidence for ticket. Disturbing the Peace was also an option for riding ATV’s in town.
Public Works (McClure): Fall cleanup will begin the week of October 21st, through October 27th . Pickup of items will begin on the 28th of October. Drawing for 10″ Waterline complete and currently waiting on permits from the State. They also handled 48 Julies and work orders. There was a 4″ leak on Gridley Rd. Found tile for storm sewer on Cass St. and they are going to work on opening it back up.
Police Chief (Osmer): Mr. Osmer reported 8 Civil Disturbance calls, 7 Traffic arrests, 2 criminal arrests, 1 abandoned vehicle letter sent and 3 thefts. He talked about some confusion at the crime lab with email address but he has gotten that straighten out.
Fire Chief (Reynolds): David Petefish stated there was a combine fire today.
Board Reports
Zoning (Finn): Mr. Finn received one demo permit and sent out a few letters on grass and that was all he had to report.
Park: (Cox) Meeting last month and things that they need were discussed. Main item needed was the concrete near the diving boards needs to be replaced and an estimate was given by Mr. Wes Cooksey in the amount of $5525. Have $585.00 left in maintenance fund and would like to use for new flooring.
Library (Clark): Library board will meet 10/15
Economic Development (Carson): November meeting scheduled
Cemetery (Carson): Met in August and cemetery had issues with dead tree. Removal of trees has been done and bill presented.
Attorney’s Report: No report
Aldermanic Reports
Cox: Nothing to report
Behrends: House on Job St. shingles blowing off wanted to check with Mike on status. Mike said at a stalemate not sure where to go on this, has had no response from owner.
Clark: Nothing to report
Carson: Checked with Randy regarding the brush on alley by McCausland’s IGA to Morgan St. Concrete barricade down on corner of Morgan and Springfield St. and concrete is in two pieces.
Bell: Nothing to report
Petefish: Checking status of Old Jones property on Cass St.
Clerk’s Report: Nothing to report
Mayor’s Comments:
Unfinished Business: Mayor Sudbrink polled the alderman on who had read the ordinance section on liens on water collections. This was moved to following month since City Attorney was not present at this meeting. Unfinished business staffed off with 2nd reading on Grass and Weed. Mayor Sudbrink suggested moving to 8″ in height instead of the previous 6″. Mr. Petefish asked who would get ticket regarding people who hire others to mow their yard. Mayor Sudbrink stated he thinks it stays with the property owner. Mr. Petefish also asked if city would be held to the same standards as residents. Mayor Sudbrink stated that yes they would be held to same standard. With regards to blowing into street that is an issue with drainage and blocks up storm sewers. Mrs. Carson’s concern was with limited resources and ordinances on the book now that aren’t currently enforced city might have a difficult time being consistent. With provision to change grass height from 6″ to 8″ in the reading a motion was made by Bell and seconded by Clark. Vote stood 3-3 Bell, Clark and Behrends voting yes and Petfish, Carson and Cox voting No. Mayor Sudbrink cast Yes vote breaking the tie, motion carried with the change to 8″ height. 2nd reading was also made on increasing water bills rate. Bell made a motion and Cox seconded motion. Motion carried with Bell, Carson, Clark Behrends and Cox voting Yes and Petefish voting NO.
New Business: West Central Illinois Criminal Justice Council, Chief Osmer gave brief explanation on this council. This would establish membership into West Central IL Criminal Justice Council (Mobile Team unit 9) Membership dues would start in 2013 for 2015 fiscal year. Membership dues would be $75 for full-time officer, $40 for part-time officer, $40 for correctional officers and $75 for Coroners. This would entitle officers to take classes offered by Council at no additional charge. $100 cost to city for this membership and would be beneficial. Resolution takes one reading and Mayor Sudbrink asked for motion to accept. Cox moved and Petefish seconded. Resolution passed unanimously. Next item on agenda was ATV’s with discussed earlier in the meeting and pending next month’s vote the Mayor asked for a motion to adjourn into executive session. Motion was made to Bell and seconded by Clark to adjourn into executive session. With nothing further to discuss motion was made to adjourn.
Steve Sudbrink, Mayor
Anne Plunkett, Clerk