City of Virginia

Regular Meeting Minutes

October 14th, 2019

Mayor Brunk opened the regular meeting at 6:58pm. Roll was called. Alderman French, Pratt, Bowman, Wulf, Behrends, and Cox were all present. The council reviewed the agenda. Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the agenda and Alderman Wulf seconded, motion carried unanimously. The minutes of the September meeting were presented, Alderman Pratt made a motion to approve the minutes and Alderman Cox seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly bills were presented to the council. Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the monthly bills, Alderman Bowman seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Barrett stated that the auditor was here and said things are looking better. We just need to simplify some of the classifications. We will use this report to file the annual TIF report and city audit. It is due before the end of the month but they will give us a 30 day extension. Treasurer Barrett stated that he will work on tax levy this month with the first reading at next months council meeting. The video gaming revenue was $2036.96 for the month of September and the sales tax was $9383.26.

Mike Finn, Carolyn Defenbaugh

Public Comment

Monthly Reports

Public Works: stated that fall clean up will start on October 14th. Residents have from October 14th-October 20th to put their waste out and the city will start picking up on the 21st. The City crew is currently working on Hardin St, we dug out the pipe and removed it and it was beyond repair. There is another pipe coming that will cost about $9000-$10000. It is a 7 ft in diameter pipe, the one that was taken out was a 4 ft diameter pipe so we should see some difference down there once the new pipe is in.

Police Chief: 159 calls, 102 service, 34 traffic stops, 10 arrests, 4 drug related, assisted county and Beardstown 6 times last month. There were no accidents. Both of the patrol cars now have cameras, they were purchased for $700 and they are working great. The things for the new squad car are being shipped and will be working on that as well.

Fire Chief: N/A

Zoning Officer: N/A

                                                                          Board Reports
Park Board: The Log Cabin Days was last Saturday and there was a good crowd. The pool and bathhouse are being winterized. They will be getting one more bid on the concrete around the pool. Currently waiting for the metal roofing for the concessions stand and the chlorine shed to be finished. The board is also discussing repairs to the bathhouse. Next meeting: October 16th at 7pm in the park board room.

Library Board: did not meet

Economic Development: did not meet

Cemetery Board: next meeting in November

Attorneys Report
Attorney Veith stated that a written letter was sent to the owner of the building on the south side of the square and there has been no response back from the property owner, so there will need to be some discussion on how to proceed on that. The 2hd reading of the Ordinance for an Amendment to Restructure Public Water Supply Loans and the 2hd reading for the Ordinance Approving Water Purchase Contracts and Debt Service Agreement and Approving Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement to Restructure and Extend Public Water Supply Loans are on the agenda tonight. Attorney Veith stated that it would be a good idea to pass it on the 2hd reading.

Aldermanic Reports

Cox: Alderman Cox would like to thank Randy McClure and the crew, I know you been working on multiple projects and have been working hard. What is the status on the church parking lot? McClure said they started last Monday and then it rained and then there was a holiday today so will probably be back tomorrow.

Behrends: Alderman Behrends asked about the homes that are falling down, the Mayor stated that he will be talking to Attorney Veith on them and will be taking action. Alderman Behrends also stated that the flashing light at the crosswalk on the highway is dangling, Chief Kennedy said it flashes during the night as well. McClure stated that he would check it out in the morning. Alderman Behrends also wanted to remind the committees to start working on their budgets so that we can get a jump start on next years budget.

Wulf: Alderman Wulf asked about identifying the street lights that are out? Chief Kennedy said he thinks they are all tagged. Alderman Wulf also mentioned that Trunk or Treat this month and he wanted to make sure that there will be barricades up and the lights are working.

Bowman: Alderman Bowman had nothing to report

Pratt: Alderman Pratt had a question on city wide but already answered

French: Alderman French stated that he had a few people say that they didn’t think the water was as soft as before. McClure stated that we are still dealing with the lightning strike and we are having trouble balancing it, it’s a mechanical problem.

City Clerks Report
Nothing to report

Mayors Report
Mayor Brunk stated that he would like to second Alderman Behrends, that the committees need to start working on next years budget so we can be proactive. Mayor Brunk stated that he has been getting a lot of calls on the new state statute on selling marijuana in town. Mayor Brunk will be attending an information meeting soon to learn more about it and then will address further if it comes up. Mayor Brunk also stated that in the special meeting the council voted to award Shireman Farms Excavating Inc. for the tear down of the building on the square and hopefully that will start in mid November. Treasurer Barrett stated that the TIF application needs to be submitted for approval as soon as possible. Alderman Behrends asked if there we a timeline on the project, Mayor Brunk stated that they did not specify a timeline. The Mayor would also like to thank Gary Hish for helping with an issue last month to locate an old sewer. There were two resignations from the Park Board. Mayor Brunk would like to appoint Rick Lenover as a park board member. Alderman French made a motion to approve Mr. Lenover and Alderman Pratt seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The Mayor would also like to appoint, Mark Giovanni as the second replacement on the Park Board. Alderman Cox made a motion to approve Mark Giovanni and Alderman Behrends seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Unfinished Business
A. Ordinance for an Amendment to Restructure Public Water Supply Loans (2nd Reading)
With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Behrends made a motion to approve the 2nd reading of the Ordinance for an Amendment to Restructure Public Water Supply Loans and Alderman French seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
B. Ordinance Approving Water Purchase Contracts and Debt Service Agreement and Approving Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement to Restructure and Extend Public Water Supply Loans (2nd Reading)
With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the 2nd reading of the Ordinance Approving Water Purchase Contracts and Debt Service Agreement and Approving Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement to Restructure and Extend Public Water Supply Loans and Alderman Behrends seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

New Business

With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Wulf made a motion at 723pm to adjourn the council meeting and Alderman Cox seconded. Motion carried unanimously.
Reg Brunk, Mayor                                                                   Ashley Cox, City Clerk

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