City of Virginia

Minutes of Regular Meeting

Monday September 10th , 2018

Mayor Brunk opened the regular meeting at 7:00pm. Roll was called French, Anderson, Bowman, Wulf, Behrends, and Cox were all present. The minutes of the August meeting were presented. Alderman Cox made a motion that the meeting minutes be approved and Alderman Wulf seconded. Motion carried unanimously. The monthly treasurer’s report was in the council’s monthly packet, the council reviewed. The video gaming revenue for the month of August was $3180.05. The sales tax figures for the month of August were $12447.26. There was no transfer of funds this month. Monthly bills were presented. Alderman Behrends questioned as to why there was business done with Westown Ford instead of doing the business locally. Mayor Brunk stated that they police car needed a particular clip on the battery and Westown Ford had it in stock. Alderman Wulf made a motion and Alderman Anderson seconded that the bills be paid as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Treasurer Barrett stated we are down a small amount in net income compared to last year but overall the report looks good. On August 22nd there was a meeting with the IL Rural Water Assocation/VRWS, they are working on reports for us.

Guests: Jamie Long, Frank Long, Ashley Reese, Mike Finn, Anthony Miller

Public Comment:

Anthony Miller:

Mr. Miller stated he was from Hutchison Engineering and that he would like to introduce himself. He stated that the company does a lot of work in this area. Mr. Miller passed out brochures and business cards to the council and stated that if his company would like to be of services if they are needed.

Frank Long:

Mr. Long asked the council what is to be done from here? It is suggested that the Long’s, the Mayor, Alderman French, and Attorney meet to discuss this further.

Students of the month:


Public Works (McClure): Mr. McClure stated that he crew has been working on the meter program and cutting down trees and getting rid of weeds.

Police Chief (Helmich): 82 calls, 29 service. Mr. Kennedy has been working the school zone and the square, he has been working 3-4 days a week.

Fire Chief (Reynolds): Wanted to remind everyone there is a fish fry fundraiser on Sept 15th from 4-7pm. 5 calls: 3 were car accidents, 1 was a structure fire, and 1 was a carbon monoxide

Board Reports

Zoning (Merriman): nothing to report at this time.

Park (Cox): Park had a back to school bash and there was 115 kids that attended. Last game for baseball is 9/22 and then the fields will be winterized. Gary Hish is going to tile the ball diamonds. 10/13 is Log Cabin Days. There are reoccurring issues happening at the park with things being trashed or tire tracks being left in the grass. Deb Shade is going to be discussing with the park a donation in honor of Jason Shade soon.

Library: nothing to report at this time

Economic Development (Anderson): nothing to report at this time

Cemetery (Behrends): nothing to report at this time

Attorney’s Report: Introduced Clay Nordseik, who is a new associate. In the property maintenance case, there was a meeting and ideas were exchanged and will have updates soon. Court was postponed to 9/25, hoping for a resolution

Aldermanic Reports

Cox: stated that things need to get fixed such as some baracades and culverts. People are having issues with the burning again.

Behrends: stated that the ordinances need to be better enforced. There is a roof that is collapsed on a building on the square, and the house on Beardstown St with the For Sale by Owner looks terrible. There are two properties on Front St that are pretty bad. Expressed concern about the alley behind Ugs. McClure responded and said there is a lot more issues with that, it will cost about $15000-$25000 to repair. Alderman Behrends also stated that people are still asking when the decals will be put on the police chief’s car. Alderman Behrends also said that he had calls from people saying they saw Mayor Brunk driving the police care. Mayor Brunk responded and said yes, he was taking it to get it repaired.

Wulf: asked if there was going to be a fall cleanup? McClure said that if there is it will be at the end of October. Alderman Wulf also stated that there are alleys that need attention, some are tore up. McClure responded he will look at them when there is time.

Bowman: nothing to report

Anderson: nothing to report

French: nothing to report

Clerks Report: stated Mrs. Long approached her in regards to the zoning issues, as stated earlier in the meeting, a meeting needs to be set.

Mayor’s Report: Mayor Brunk stated that an ordinance committee meeting needs to be set soon, the burning ordinance needs to be revised. In regards to the property on Beardstown St, the Mayor called the asset company and they have been notified of the property maintenance code and that it needs to be taken care of. They are supposed to send someone to take care of it. Mayor also stated he has been attempting to contact people who own the property behind IGA as well. Sunrise Ag purchased 25 acres near the water plant. McClure stated there is no water or sewer out there so he was not sure what they were going to do with it. Risk Management had a meeting and we are in good shape. As far as the issues with litigation, when there is a change, council will be notified.

Unfinished Business:

No unfinished business at this time

New Business:

Mayor Brunk appoints Ashley Dotzert to the cemetary board. Alderman Cox made a motion to approve and Alderman Behrends seconded. Motion carries unanimously.

At 7:33pm, Alderman Wulf made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Alderman Cox seconded. Motion carries unanimously.

_____________________                                                         ______________________

Reg Brunk, Mayor                                                                              Ashley Cox, City Clerk