
City of Virginia

September 12, 2019


I. Call to Order

          Roll Call

II. Approval of Agenda

          Roll Call 

III. Minutes of Previous Meeting

          Roll Call

IV. Treasurer's Report

V. Approval of Monthly Bills

          Roll Call

VI. Guests:

VII. Monthly Reports

            A. Public works Director

            B. Police Chief

            C. Fire Chief

            D. Board Reports

                   1. Zoning Board

                   2. Library Board

                   3. Economic Development

                   4. Cemetery Board

                   5. Park Board

          E. Attorney's Report

          F. Aldermanic Report

          G. City Clerk's Report

          H. Mayor Comments
              A. Accept Resignation/Appointment of new Park Board Member
              B. Discussion of new Police Squad Car
VIII. Unfinished Business

           A. Ordinance Governing the Traffic at Illini and Cass Streets (First reading) 
           B. Ordinance for a Petition to Annex certain Property West of County Shed Road (First reading) 
           C. Ordinance for a Petition to Disconnect Certain Property East of County Shed Road 
           D. Ordinance for Rezoning Property for Dollar General (First reading)

IX. New Business
           A. Ordinance Approving TIF Application for Cagel Depot Inc. Remodel
           B. Ordinance for an Amendment to Restructure public Water Supply Loans (1st Reading)
           C. Ordinance Approving Water Purchase Contracts and Debt Service Agreement and 
              Approving Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement to Restructure and 
              Extend Public Water Supply loans(1st Reading)
XI. Public Comment

XII. Adjourn