September 12, 2022




I.  Call to Order

  • Roll Call

II.  Approval of Agenda

III.  Minutes of Previous Meeting

 IV.  Treasurer’s Report

V.  Approval of Monthly Bills

 VI.  Guests: Dave McMillan: Hazard Mitigation Plan

      VII.  Monthly Reports

    1. Police Chief
    2. Fire Chief
    3. Ordinance Officer
    4. Board Reports
      1. Zoning Board
      2. Library Board
      3. Economic Development
      4. Cemetery Board
      5. Park Board
      6. TIF Board
    5. Attorney’s Report
    6. Mayor Comments
    7. Aldermanic Reports
    8. City Clerks Reports


VIII.  Unfinished Business

  1. Memorial Resolution honoring Gerald Gill
  2. 2nd Reading of An Ordinance Prohibiting Parking of Vehicles between curbs and sidewalks
  3. 2nd Reading of An Ordinance Approving TIF Committee Recommendation for Use of TIF funds for Caraway Rubs Renovation


IX.  New Business

  1. Discussion Increasing the Number if Class A Liquor Licenses from 5 to 6
  2. Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance (Expedited Passage Waiving First Reading)
  3. Discuss and/or purchase computer program for Code Enforcing Officer


X.  Public Comment

 XI.  Adjourn


 The City of Virginia is an equal opportunity provider and employer.