City of Virginia

Regular Meeting Minutes

September 13th, 2021

Mayor McClure called the meeting to order at 7pm.  Roll was called.  Alderman Pratt, Bowman, Wulf, Knous, and Cox all answered present.  Alderman French was not present.  The council reviewed the agenda.  Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the agenda, Alderman Wulf seconded.  Motion carried unanimously. The council reviewed the August meeting minutes.  Alderman Pratt made a motion to approve the minutes, Alderman Bowman seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.  The council reviewed the monthly bills.  Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the monthly bills, Alderman Bowman seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Barrett stated that we are currently at 41% revenue and we should be around 33%.  Personnel expense is 26.8%, which is good.  Commodities right now is a little over budget but it is a small line item.  Treasurer Barrett stated that he feels good about where the city is at right now financially.  Video gaming was at $5037.41 and sales tax was at $11619.21.  The information about the auditor will be presented later in the meeting.  The health insurance renewal is on the agenda as well.  We will be submitting an application for more CURE funds.  Last year we got $43348 as part of the COVID relief fund.  It has been opened back up this year and we can re-submit for additional funds.  The city go $97539.97 from the American Rescue Plan Act through the Department of E-Commerce.  Treasurer Barrett stated that a new bank account has been opened up specifically to allot that money as we will have to do reporting on those expenditures.  At this point it is not fully clear as to what the money can be used for but it looks like it can be used for water and sewer infrastructure.  Treasurer Barrett stated that he will do more research and update the council.  The city should be getting the second payment next year around the same time and the money has to be expended before 2024.


Mayor McClure stated that Ronnie Paul with Hennigan and Associates could not make the meeting tonight as something came up.  He said he will be here next month.



Attorneys Report

Attorney Veith stated that he hasn’t heard anything further on the zoning issue.  The ordinance increasing Class A liquor license on the agenda is on there because we were increasing the number last meeting but we actually did that two years ago.  So, it is on the agenda to fix what we did last month.  We want to make this going quickly for the new business owner and will have it in effect this month.  Attorney Veith stated that it will need to pass by 2/3 vote, which means 5 out of the 6 council members need to vote yes.  Attorney Veith stated as far as the resolution goes, the only offer that was made is the one that is attached to the resolution in the council packets.  This offer meets 100% of the appraisal.  Attorney Veith then stated that he tried to get everything in the UTV ordinance but he thinks is it more for discussion only rather than taking a vote tonight.  Attorney Veith asked Alderman Pratt if he had seen it yet.  Alderman Pratt stated that he had looked at it.  If there are suggestions or corrections, those can be discussed.

Monthly Reports

Police Chief (Fanning):  76 calls, 16 traffic (some where four wheelers). Alderman Cox asked about the issue with cars being broke in to.  Chief Fanning stated that we had a small stint starting at Illini and went down Morgan then down to Hardin.  We were unable to get any kind of evidence and we haven’t had anything recently. Chief Fanning stated that all the cars that were broken into were unlocked, they didn’t break windows or anything. Reminder: lock your cars.

Fire Chief (Reynolds):  not present

Zoning Board (Merriman):   not present

Library Board:  nothing to report

Economic Development: nothing to report

Cemetery Board:   they are a little behind on mowing and weed eating and will be more behind because there are two graves to dig.

Park Board:  Alderman Cox stated that they will be draining the pool.  Baseball is over with and they had a good year in concession.  The new pavilion has new lighting.  The Virginia Youth Association honored Gibby with a shirt and spatula for being a great concessionaire and keeping the parking looking good.

TIF Board: 1 request for reimburse tax, 2 requests for replacement of roofs

Aldermanic Reports

French:  not present

Pratt:    Alderman Pratt asked when we sell the lot, will we fill hole back in or? Mayor McClure stated that he planned to ask the owner if he wanted to fill it or investigate.

Bowman:  nothing to report

Wulf:  Alderman Wulf stated that the sidewalk on East side of the square needs repair.  Animal Control: Alderman Wulf went to the meeting last month.  There were 6 dogs picked up here: 2 went back to the owners, 1 got adopted, and 3 got euthanized.

Cox:  Alderman Cox stated that he has gotten a lot of complaints of loose dogs.

Knous: Alderman Knous asked about the alley behind southside.  Mayor McClure stated that he talked with a contractor, they will come and fix it but they wanted us to order a manhole and it hasn’t come yet.  Alderman Knous also stated that there was complaints about the curbs on Morgan St.  Mayor McClure stated that when the oil/chip gets done then they will work on the curbs.  Alderman Knous also stated that there are some more street lights out.  The question was asked if we had to have an ordinance for adding street lights?  Attorney Veith stated he wasn’t sure but a resolution can be done.  Alderman Knous said that 5th West/Myrtle needs a street light and Chief Fanning stated that in the middle of the street on Jackson could use one too.  Alderman Knous also stated that he has gotten complaints about the trees at the old jail house.  Mayor McClure stated that that house is on the list to have a letter be sent to the owner.


City Clerks Report

Nothing to report

Mayors Report

Mayor McClure stated that IRC will be coming to oil and chip Morgan St.  Mayor McClure also asked the alderman if they can start having committee meetings once a month, maybe twice a month because we need to get our ducks in a row.  Maybe the committee chairs can get together before the October meeting to discuss what is going on and see if there are any changes.

Unfinished Business

  1. Renewal of Hope Trust Health Insurance

With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Cox made a motion to renew the health insurance and Alderman Knous seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Hiring of Barb Nowack as Grant Writer

With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Pratt made a motion to approve the hiring of Barb Nowack as Grant Writer, and Alderman Bowman seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.


New Business

  1. Ordinance Increasing the Number of Class A Liquor Licenses from 4 to 5 and Rescinding Ordinance Number 21-04 (Expedited Passage Waiving First Reading)

With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Wulf made a motion to approve the ordinance increasing the number of Class A liquor licenses from 4 to 5 and rescinding ordinance number 21-04 and Alderman Knous seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.


  1. Approval of New Auditor

Treasurer Barrett stated that the new auditor would be Estes, Bridgewater, and Ogden.  They also do the Ashland’s audit.  Treasurer Barrett states we really need to get this done, we will already have to ask for extensions for the TIF reporting and financials as it is.  With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Cox made a motion to approve the new auditor and Alderman Bowman seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.

  1. Resolution Approving Terms of Offer to Purchase 101-103 Front Street

With nothing further to discuss, Alderman Cox made a motion to accept the resolution approving terms of the offer of purchase of 101-103 Front St and Alderman Knous seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.

  1. UTV Ordinance

Alderman Pratt asked to table discussion for now, council agreed.




At 730pm, Alderman Cox made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Alderman Pratt seconded.  Motion carried unanimously.




___________________________                                                        ____________________________

Randy McClure, Mayor                                                                                Ashley Cox, City Clerk